The Society
The Dutch Society for Medieval Archaeology (SMA) first and foremost strives to foster thematic, comparative, substantive archaeologic research on the Middle Ages and Early Modern period (500-1900) of the Low Countries in particular. In addition it also strives to further the previously initiated transformation from a national oriented field into an international oriented field.
To this end, the society will be organizing (international) conferences and activities, both in collaboration with other stakeholders and without.
History 1987-2014
The Dutch Society for Medieval Archaeology was established by Prof. dr. Anthonie Heidinga (University of Amsterdam) in October 1987. Other principal board members
were dr. Jan Besteman (University of Amsterdam), the late dr. Jurjen Bos (University of Groningen), Prof. dr. Frans Theuws (at that time: University of Amsterdam; at present: Leiden University) and Eddy Smink (at that time University of Amsterdam). With the publication of Medieval Archaeology in the Netherlands in 1990, Besteman, Bos and Heidinga realized an outstanding achievement. The 379-page bundle that they edited appeared on the occasion of Prof. drs. H.H. (Carlos) van Regteren Altena’s retirement and is presently the only (English language) survey of the Dutch Middle Ages. After this active start, the society had a dormant existence during the recent years.
New life 2015
In February 2015 the last two remaining board members Prof. em. dr. Anthonie Heidinga and dr. Jan Besteman passed the torch to a new, fresh board of six, at the Society’s registered address; Turfdraagsterpad 9 Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. The composition of the new board, consisting of dr. Roos van Oosten (chairperson), dr. Arno Verhoeven (treasurer), drs. Jeroen Bouwmeester (secretary), dr. Nico Arts, drs. Michiel Bartels and dr. Johan Nicolay, ensures a wide range of specialities, disciplines and stakeholders. The members of the board are affiliated respectively with Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, municipal archaeological centre of Eindhoven, archaeology of West-Friesland and University of Groningen.
The board (fltr):